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Although the information contained in this Code has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. makes no warranties or representations of any kind (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, currency or completeness of the information, or that it is suitable for the intended use.

Compliance with this Code does not guarantee immunity from breach of any statutory requirements, the New Zealand Building Code or relevant Standards. The final responsibility for the correct design and specification rests with the designer and for its satisfactory execution with the contractor.

While most data have been compiled from case histories, trade experience and testing, small changes in the environment can produce marked differences in performance. The decision to use a particular material, and in what manner, is made at your own risk. The use of a particular material and method may, therefore, need to be modified to its intended end use and environment.

New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc., its directors, officers or employees shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect or special loss or damage arising from, as a consequence of, use of or reliance upon any information contained in this Code.

New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. expressly disclaims any liability which is based on or arises out of the information or any errors, omissions or misstatements.

If reprinted, reproduced or used in any form, the New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. (NZMRM) should be acknowledged as the source of information.

You should always refer to the current online Code of Practicefor the most recent updates on information contained in this Code.


This Code of Practice provides requirements, information and guidelines, to the Building Consent Authorities, the Building Certifier, Specifier, Designer, Licensed Building Practitioner, Trade Trainee, Installer and the end user on the design, installation, performance, and transportation of all metal roof and wall cladding used in New Zealand.

The calculations and the details contained in this Code of Practice provide a means of complying with the performance provisions of the NZBC and the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

The scope of this document includes all buildings covered by NZS 3604, AS/NZS 1170 and those designed and built under specific engineering design.

It has been written and compiled from proven performance and cites a standard of acceptable practice agreed between manufacturers and roofing contractors.

The drawings and requirements contained in this Code illustrate acceptable trade practice, but recommended or better trade practice is also quoted as being a preferred alternative.

Because the environment and wind categories vary throughout New Zealand, acceptable trade practice must be altered accordingly; in severe environments and high wind design load categories, the requirements of the NZBC will only be met by using specific detailing as described in this Code.

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to present both Acceptable Trade Practice and Recommended Trade Practice, in a user-friendly format to ensure that the roof and wall cladding, flashings, drainage accessories, and fastenings will:

  • comply with the requirements of B1, B2, E1 E2 and E3 of the NZBC;
  • comply with the design loading requirements of AS/NZS 1170 and NZS 3604 and with AS/NZS 1562;
  • have and optimised lifespan; and
  • be weathertight.

COP v25.03:Trash;

18.1 Minimum Radius 

18.1.1 Apron 

Where an apron flashing meets a ridge there are two alternative methods of weathering this junction

  • By carrying the apron over the ridge and covering this joint with the ridging as shown on drawing
  • By making a separate saddle flashing as drawing

18.1.2  Flashing Cover 5.2.1 

The flashing cover of a cladding rib height of less than 20 mm is insufficient to ensure weathertightness.

When a parapet wall extends above the apron it can cause additional turbulence, and will also increase the water catchment and in these areas . O ne rib cover or 150 mm is regarded as insufficient to weather either a longitudinal or transverse barge or apron flashing.

When ribbed or trapezoidal roof cladding finishes at the wall or an abutment, the aesthetic appearance of a longitudinal narrow single rib apron flashing may be unacceptable and in these cases the cover should be increased. Cover dimensions for claddings other than profiled metal are given in 7.3 Flashing Cover

18.2 R1 Street Awnings 

R1 Street awnings or roofs where limited people can gain access either from adjacent structures or from the ground only, must be designed to ressist minimum point load of 1.8 kN.

18.3 NZS 3604 

NZS 3604 is an acceptable solution for compliance with the NZBC for light timber frame buildings not requiring specific design. It contains prescriptive dimensions for purlin spacings and fasteners , based on maximum design wind speeds of Low ( 32 m/s ) , Medium ( 37 m/s ) , High ( 44 m/s ) , Very High ( 50 m/s ) , or Extra High ( 55 m/s ) .

Some limitations of the scope of NZS3604 are:

  • Timber frame construction .
  • Height from lowest ground to the highest point on the roof not to exceed 10 m .
  • A snow load not exceeding 1.0 kPa ( although Section 15 of NZS 3604 does provide additional criteria for 1.5 kPa and 2.0 kPa snow loads).
NZS 3604 includes:
  • private dwellings, hostels, hotels and nurse's homes ,
  • factories with restricted floor loadings , and

  • institutional and educational buildings with restricted floor loadings .
NZS 3604 excludes:
  • buildings dedicated to the preservation of human life ,
  • buildings which may host crowds ,
  • publicly owned buildings containing high value contents , and
  • curved roof construction .

NZS3604 uses conservative figures to arrive at a design load. Th e NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice uses the same philosophy to prescribe a value known to perform , either historically or by test , and will comply with the NZBC.

The price for this conservatism is small in comparison the overall cost of the whole of the building, and unless the building is specifically designed, designers and contractors should not deviate from the loading requirements of this section of the Code of Practice.

Classification of Wind Zones in NZS 3604 are specific to the site, because the buildings covered by this standard are limited in size. Design tables (but not design wind speed) include a local pressure factor of 1.5 over the entire structure rather than varying factors according to the position on the roof. ( see section 3.3.2 )

18.4 Point Load (Concentrated Imposed Load) 

( S ection 3.2)

A point load is supposed to be representative of a workman with a bag of tools, which is calculated at 112 kgs = 1.1 kN. As required by AS/NZS 1170.1 the point load for restricted access roofs is taken as 1.1 kN over an area of 100 mm diameter in the case of a person ; or in the case of a superimposed load, such as an air conditioning unit, the area of contact if the load is not directly attached to the structure. A point load on a roof is always positive or downward (+).


18.5 Nails 

18.6 Internal Gutters 

Fully supported parapet and internal gutters should comply with section 8.4.4. It should be :

  • laid to a minimum fall of 1 in 200 – 12 mm in 2.4 m;
  • designed to discharge rainfall of 200 mm/h without flooding;
  • not less than 50 mm deep at the highest point;
  • designed to discharge the rainfall clear of the building if the outlet becomes blocked; and
  • designed with expansion drips at a minimum depth of 50 mm .


The width of a rain water head or sump must be equal to that of the gutter.

The rain water head must have an overflow area equal to or greater than the area of the gutter at a level below the height of the sole of the gutter. (see drawing 8.6.1.)

Expansion joints must be provided to accommodate the thermal movement at the gutter high points between outlets. (see drawing 8.4.4.)


The roof side of a parapet gutter upstand should be joined to the roof sheeting by means of a drip edge flashing. (see drawing 11.6.1)


18.7 Causes of Corrosion 

18.8 Organic Coatings 

Paint protects metal roof and wall cladding from environmental deterioration and improves its appearance. . P aint can be either factory or field-applied , but t his section covers only factory applied systems . F or information on field applied coatings , 15.8 Overpainting

Painted coatings on a steel substrate that are coated with a metallic coating and then continuously paint ed and oven cured are known as pre-painted or coil coated. Following pre-treatment, a corrosion inhibiting primer and top-coat is applied to the out side surface and a primer coat and/or a backer coat is applied to the reverse side. This process is continuous and provides for a quality of paint finish not equalled by any other process. (see drawing 2.2.7.)

Prepainted Zinc and Zinc/Aluminium coated steel and Aluminium


18.8.1 Compatibility 

Materials comprising the building envelope, although required to meet particular design criteria, should not be considered in isolation.

18.9 Corrosion 

18.9.1 Types Of Corrosion 

There are many types of corrosion that affect metal claddings but they can be divided into two main types:

  • atmospheric for a metal in isolation
  • electrochemical or galvanic, where the metal reacts with another metal or material

The various manifestations of corrosion within these two types are categorised in a different way, cannot be clearly defined and almost always overlap . Frequently the different types of corrosion typical of different metals and alloys do not develop separately, but are interdependent .

The nature of the interaction between various metals and electrolytes is influenced by the many permutations of the environment, the degree of pollution and the pH of the electrolyte.

It is the responsibility of both the designer and the Roofing Contractor to ensure that they do not cause corrosion by incorrect use of materials.

The major factors that affect metal corrosion are:
  • t he metal ,
  • t he atmosphere ,
  • t he rain , and
  • p ollutants Balance 

Sacrificial protection and passivity can be mutually exclusive and passivity can be so well developed that sacrificial activity is suppressed. An AZ coating does not provide the same degree of sacrificial protection as a Z, ZA or ZM coating, which does not have the non-loss passivity of aluminium.

The differences between primarily zinc and primarily aluminium coatings lies in the balance between passivity and sacrificial protection, and for roofing and cladding products in most conditions, an AZ coating provides satisfactory sacrificial protection of cut edges although not as well as a zinc-based coating. The introduction of magnesium into coatings containing aluminium is intended to enhance the cut-edge corrosion resistance of the coatings to provide better all-round performance. Cut Edges 

18.9.2 Durability 

As the requirements of the NZBC are performance based, it is necessary to make a subjective assessment specificallyconcerning durability of the building elements covered by this Code of Practice. While it could be assumed that roofor wall cladding can be easily accessed and therefore easily replaced, the same cannot be assumed for any flashingswhich may be embedded in plaster or could not be removed without the removal of monolithic claddings. Someflashings are half hidden and as this portion would not be subject to inspection or maintenance its failure could leadto structural degradation and therefore would not comply with the NZBC. Because replacement could be classifiedas a major reconstruction, the flashing material durability requirement is 50 years. This requirement also applies tounseen flashings and secret gutters.

The NZBC does not take into account the cost or aesthetics of replacement, so while replacement period would complywith Code, it may be not considered acceptable by the client or owner. Any pre-painted cladding will change colourover time and the replacement would be visible, and the cost of replacing one long length sheet from a distantsupplier would be disproportionate to its value.

All metal roof and wall cladding and accessories should be designed and installed to comply with the durability requirementsof the NZBC, but the economic and aesthetic consequences of replacement should also be considered.