Stand-alone roof lights are available in many configurations with the most common being a glass-faced rectangular or square design, or a dome. Both are available either clear or tinted and may be integrated with a permanent, manually operated, or automated ventilation function.
Rectangular skylights typically consist of a timber or aluminium base which must be flashed into the roof cladding, using one of the methods detailed in 9 External Moisture Penetrations. The designer should select which flashing detail is optimal for the application and detail it accordingly. To enable efficient design and prevent excessive use of over flashings, designers should also consider the placement of skylights in relation to each other and other architectural elements,
Retrofitted skylights, not included in the original design, often result in unsightly, leaky, and excessive over-flashings. Such additions often evade compliance inspections. If skylights are likely to be required, it is strongly recommended that thought be given to their location and design so that they can be appropriately detailed on the consent drawings.
Dome flashings often come with a flashing kit, making them simpler to install, and many have flexible light tubes leading to a ceiling light diffuser, avoiding the need to frame out and line the roof space between the skylight and the ceiling. This allows the upper section to be positioned in an optimal position to facilitate flashing design.