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Although the information contained in this Code has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. makes no warranties or representations of any kind (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, currency or completeness of the information, or that it is suitable for the intended use.

Compliance with this Code does not guarantee immunity from breach of any statutory requirements, the New Zealand Building Code or relevant Standards. The final responsibility for the correct design and specification rests with the designer and for its satisfactory execution with the contractor.

While most data have been compiled from case histories, trade experience and testing, small changes in the environment can produce marked differences in performance. The decision to use a particular material, and in what manner, is made at your own risk. The use of a particular material and method may, therefore, need to be modified to its intended end use and environment.

New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc., its directors, officers or employees shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect or special loss or damage arising from, as a consequence of, use of or reliance upon any information contained in this Code.

New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. expressly disclaims any liability which is based on or arises out of the information or any errors, omissions or misstatements.

If reprinted, reproduced or used in any form, the New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. (NZMRM) should be acknowledged as the source of information.

You should always refer to the current online Code of Practicefor the most recent updates on information contained in this Code.


This Code of Practice provides requirements, information and guidelines, to the Building Consent Authorities, the Building Certifier, Specifier, Designer, Licensed Building Practitioner, Trade Trainee, Installer and the end user on the design, installation, performance, and transportation of all metal roof and wall cladding used in New Zealand.

The calculations and the details contained in this Code of Practice provide a means of complying with the performance provisions of the NZBC and the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

The scope of this document includes all buildings covered by NZS 3604, AS/NZS 1170 and those designed and built under specific engineering design.

It has been written and compiled from proven performance and cites a standard of acceptable practice agreed between manufacturers and roofing contractors.

The drawings and requirements contained in this Code illustrate acceptable trade practice, but recommended or better trade practice is also quoted as being a preferred alternative.

Because the environment and wind categories vary throughout New Zealand, acceptable trade practice must be altered accordingly; in severe environments and high wind design load categories, the requirements of the NZBC will only be met by using specific detailing as described in this Code.

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to present both Acceptable Trade Practice and Recommended Trade Practice, in a user-friendly format to ensure that the roof and wall cladding, flashings, drainage accessories, and fastenings will:

  • comply with the requirements of B1, B2, E1 E2 and E3 of the NZBC;
  • comply with the design loading requirements of AS/NZS 1170 and NZS 3604 and with AS/NZS 1562;
  • have and optimised lifespan; and
  • be weathertight.

COP v25.03:Fitness-Purpose; Roof-Noise

12.1 Roof Noise 

Roof noise refers to excessive intermittent sound emanating from the area of a roof surface or ceiling cavity.

Sound is usually created by movement and is carried by vibratory movement of the air. The movement that generates sound can be triggered by three main factors:

  • Wind.
  • Precipitation (rain, hail, or snow).
  • Temperature (thermal).

Each of these can be broken down into sub-groups.

12.1.1 Wind Noise 

Roof noise triggered by the wind can take several forms:

  • Underlay flutter,
  • Banging of the roof itself, or things against the roof,
  • Vibration of flashings.


12.1.1A Underlay Flutter

Underlay flutter will be perceived as a high-pitched noise. Depending on its origin, it can be minimised using various techniques, for example:


  • If it is coming from the eaves, cutting the underlay back from the spouting and installing an eaves flashing.
  • If it is coming from the body of the roof, installing a high front gutter.
  • Installing spray-on foam insulation.

12.1.1B Wind Banging

Wind banging can be the pan drumming or banging against the sarking or purlin support. It normally only occurs with standing seam profiles and it is a function of the roof design, material thickness, and wind loads. These problems should be referred to the manufacturer or designer.

12.1.1C Flashing Vibration

Excessive movement or insufficient clearance between a penetration and the cladding may also cause noise.

Flashing vibration can be a whistling noise or a high-pitched sound like an engine, known as motor boating. The edges of all flashings should have a stiffening fold and the vertical face should be fixed to the structure or wall cladding to avoid vibration.


12.1.2 Precipitation Noise 

Most people find the sound of rain on the roof comforting, however, it may be intrusive.

The best way to attenuate precipitation noise is to increase the insulation levels in the ceiling space

Chip-coated metal tiles are likely to produce less precipitation noise than roll formed cladding. Fleece lined cladding has also been found to reduce precipitation noise.

12.1.3 Thermal Noise 

Nearly all profiled metal roofs will exhibit thermal roof noise at times. Typically, this is a relatively minor and uncommon event, and attracts no attention. Sometimes, however, the frequency and/or volume of the noise can be to the point where it causes discomfort and distress to the occupants.

Thermal roof noise is caused by the roof expanding or contracting due to temperature fluctuation. The effect can be immediate as a cloud passes over the sun or delayed as the roof and roof structure cool down at night.

Not all materials in a roof structure absorb the same amount of heat, and not all materials have the same amount of thermally-induced movement. Differential movement may emanate from many places, including the layer of roofing exposed to the sun against layers underneath (i.e. a flashing or lap), the roof profile against the fastener, or the roof against the support structure. It can also happen when expansion of the roof causes one member of the support structure directly to move against another. Movement may also occur as sudden popping in the pan of a profile that releases static friction and causes sound.

The source of thermal roof noise can be difficult to identify in many cases. However, roof noise can be divided into three main categories by source. They are:

  • Flashings,
  • popping of pan, and
  • other causes of thermal noise.


Where flashings are solid fixed to a vertical surface and to the cladding, differential movement between them and the roof may cause noise. Using clip-fastened systems allowing flashings and roofing to move independently to each other will help minimise noise associated with this movement.

Pan Popping

Oil canning, or canning, is the term used to describe visible waviness of the pan of a metal roof. It is most noticeable in roofs with wide trays but may also occur in secret fixed or trapezoidal profiles.

Pan popping is accompanied by canning, but not all canning jobs result in thermal roof noise. Canning is most prevalent in tray profiles, but popping roof noise is most often found with trapezoidal or secret fixed roofs.

  • Canning can be minimised by good rollformer tooling design and adjustment, it can be exacerbated by variations in mechanical properties and shape of the coil.
  • Even steel coil well within standard tolerances can have characteristics that lead to high levels of canning in some profiles and tooling set-ups.
  • Canning can also be induced by the building structure, a concave curve in the support structure will put the pan of the profile into compression and lead to canning.

To avoid canning problems, both the structure and the sheets should be inspected for straightness before installation.


Other Causes of Thermal Noise

Roof expansion noise can be caused by the energy released when the roof expands or shrinks relative to its support and sliding occurs at the fasteners, clips, purlins, or within the structure itself. The exact source of most roof noise is hard to identify.

A common observation of noisy roofs is poor contact between the purlin and the rafter due to insufficient pressure being put on the purlin when installing purlin screws, allowing the purlin to ride up on the thread. It may create a source of noise as purlins rotate under thermal expansion forces. Purlin screws should have a length of unthreaded shank below the head of at least the purlin thickness.



It is impossible to prevent expansion, but its effects can be minimised.

Thermal variation can be inhibited by using lighter colours or ventilating the roof space. Lowering roof temperatures minimises thermal noise. Increasing ventilation in the ceiling cavity is the easiest way to lower roof temperatures and may have the added benefit of lowering roof space humidity.

The accumulation of stress can be minimised by avoiding excessive run length. Friction can be reduced by using low friction underlay and using oversize fastener holes to allow materials to move freely. Fasteners should be checked for over-tightening and eased if necessary.

Many roof noise problems are typically associated with long, low dark skillion roofs, but some noisy roofs have none of those design features. To date, the MRM have not recorded any instances of thermal roof noise with roofs fastened to steel purlins or frames.

Thermal roof noise is a modern problem. Although often attributed to the roof material, steel and the profiles we form it into have not changed. In one case, a noisy trapezoidal roof was replaced with a corrugate roof manufactured from imported material, and the noise problem remained.

Changes that have occurred in the industry include:

  • roofs are screwed on rather than nailed,
  • roofs are longer and darker,
  • purlins are screw fastened not nailed,
  • houses are more airtight and far better insulated,
  • trusses have largely replaced rafters, and
  • framing timber is lighter and younger.

It is possible that a number of these aspects contribute in complex ways to produce varying thermal expansion noise levels, but we certainly don’t want to go back to nailed roofs and uninsulated houses.

The exact source of much roof noise is still a mystery. Auckland University is currently researching a scientific approach to identifying causes and solutions to roof noise.