v23.12 December 2023
NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice v23.12
The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 December 2023.
Substantial change to recommendations:
- Curved Roofs and all its sub-clauses have been substantially reviewed and revised.
- Flashing Cover:
- Added clarification of rib cover to Apron Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal.
- Changed rib height for minimum flashing cover from 25 mm to 20 mm.
- Changed recommendation for longitudinal flashings to include both apron and barge flashings.
- Added Category D for SED in Wind Zones up to 68 m/s.
Notable Editing and rearrangement:
- Standing Seam Profiles: This clause has been renamed and editied to clarify the difference between tray roofing and standing seam roofing.
- Tray Roofing Weathertightness: A clause has been added on weathertightness of standing seam roofs.
- Standing Seam Design: This clause has been renamed and some of the content revised.
- Tray Fixings: Content editing for clarity.
- Wet Storage Damage: Added content for dealing with Blooming.
- Ridge – barge Intersections: New Illustration showing a Head-Barge/Ridge/Barge Junction.
- Apron Upstands: Inserted an illustration to show Undertray for additional upstand.
The rest of the updates consisted of some renamed clauses, and minor corrections and edits.
Revision Detail v23.12 - 2023 - December
Category | Clause Number (prior to update) | Clause (As of current publication) | Details |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 3.9.3 | Maximum Spans and Fastening Pattern for Corrugate Wall Cladding | This clause has been renamed and moved to Fastening Pattern Tables – Designs to NZS 3604. |
1 - Minor Errata | 3.10.1 | G550 Steel Roof Fastening Pattern Tables | Clause has been renamed to clearly differentiate between roof and wall cladding fastening patterns. |
3 - Substantial change to recommendation | 15.1 | Curved Roofs | The main clause 15.1 Curved roof has been comprehensively reviewed and revised. |
3 - Substantial change to recommendation | 15.1.1 | Spring Curving | This clause has been substantially revised during the overall review of Curved Roofs. |
0 - Clause Removed | 15.1.3 | Transverse Laps | This clause has been removed during the revision of Curved Roofs. Information previously contained in this clause is now available in other sub-clauses of the main clause (Curved Roofs). |
4 - Clause Inserted | Penetrations: Curved Roofs | A newly created clause as part of the overall revision of Curved Roofs | |
4 - Clause Inserted | Ventilation: Curved Roofs | A newly created clause as part of the overall revision of Curved Roofs. | |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 9 | External Moisture Penetrations | New referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information. |
4 - Clause Inserted | Thermal Expansion: Curved Roofs | A newly created clause as part of the overall revision of Curved Roofs. | |
4 - Clause Inserted | Installation: Curved Roofs | New clause, created from information previously contained in Crimp Curving. | |
0 - Clause Removed | 15.1.6 | Concave Roofs | This clause has been removed during the revision of Curved Roofs. |
0 - Clause Removed | 15.1.10 | Timber Fixing | This clause has been removed during the revision of Curved Roofs. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.1.4 | Durability | This clause has been edited during the overall revision of Curved Roofs. |
0 - Clause Removed | 15.1.5 | Purlin Spacing | This clause has been removed during the overall revision of Curved Roofs. The information can now be found in Spring Curving. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.1.7 | Pre-Curved Roofs | This clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of Curved Roofs. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.1.9 | Crimp Curving | This clause has been substantially edited during the revision of Curved Roofs.
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.1.8 | Roll Curving | This clause has been revised during the overall revision of Curved Roofs. |
4 - Clause Inserted | End Laps: Curved Roofs | Newly created clause as part of the overall revision of Curved Roofs. | |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 9.4 | Penetration Design | New referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 5.4.7 | Gutter Capacity Calculator | Additional label to clarify that gutter dimensions at the outlet are to be used for the calculation. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 8 | External Moisture Flashings | New referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 8.2 | Flashing Design | New referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 1, 1 | Introduction | Updated Revisions Message |
3 - Substantial change to recommendation | 15.1.2 | Side Laps: Curved Roofs | This clause has been comprehensively revised during the overall review of Curved Roofs. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 2023 – December | Revision details for V23.12; published on 1 December 2023. | |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Ridge – barge Intersections | New illustration showing a head barge/ridge/barge junction. |
3 - Substantial change to recommendation | 8.4 | Flashing Cover |
4 - Clause Inserted | Head Barge/Ridge/Barge Junction | New iIllustration of Head Barge/Ridge/Barge Junction. | |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 8.4.1 | Apron Upstands | Inserted an illustration to show Undertray for additional upstand. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.3.2 | Wet Storage Damage | Added description and recommendation for dealing with Blooming. |
1 - Minor Errata | 14.13.2 | Screws | Fixed table: Screw Thread Types. |
0 - Clause Removed | 16.2.1 | Installation | Clause removed because the subject is comprehensively covered in Installation. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.4.3 | Tray Roofing Design | This clause has been renamed Tray Roofing Design. Some content editing for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Tray Cladding Set Out | The clause has been renamed Tray Cladding Set Out and a grammar fix. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.1.4 | Compliance | New Clause under NZBC Clause E3 Internal Moisture. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.4.6 | Sarking | Changed recommendation for overhang at the gutter line. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.4.4 | Tray Fixings | Content editing for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.4.2 | Tray Roofing Profiles | This clause has been renamed Tray Roofing Profiles. Some content editing. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 15.4.1 | Tray Roofing Materials | Renamed the clause to Tray Roofing Materials. Some minor edits. |
3 - Substantial change to recommendation | 15.4 | Tray Roofing | This clause has been revised to clarify the difference between Tray roofing and standing seam roofing, as terms are used in the Code of Practice. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal Profiles | Renamed clause to Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal Profiles. |
4 - Clause Inserted | Tray Roofing Weathertightness | A new clause dealing with Weathertightness and tray roofing. | |
4 - Clause Inserted | Tray Roofing Clip Durability | A new clause about the durability of roofing clips. | |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 9.4.1 | Penetration Back Flashings | Clause renamed to Penetration Back Flashings. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Penetration Flashings on Corrugated Profiles | Renamed the clause to Penetration Flashings on Corrugated Profiles. |
1 - Minor Errata | 4, 4 | Durability | Inserted a link to the Interactive Material Compatibility Tool. |
1 - Minor Errata | 14.20.2 | Recommendations for Fixing Aluminium | Added "non-compressible" to point d. |
1 - Minor Errata | | Tray Roofing Wind Noise | Grammar fix. |
1 - Minor Errata | 3.4.6 | Material Thickness | Punctuation fix. |
1 - Minor Errata | 3.4.1 | Corrugate Profile | Grammar fix. |
1 - Minor Errata | 3.4 | Profiles | Typo fix. |
1 - Minor Errata | 3 | Structure | Punctuation fix. |
(optional caption)
Clause Number:
Revision Category:
4 - Clause Inserted
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