

Recylcing and Recyclability

Recent initiatives by New Zealand Steel and by Pacific Coil Coaters, our primary suppliers of metallic coated and painted steel, will improve the sustainability of their operations, as reported in Scope 58 and in this issue 59, and we thought it worth revisiting an article published originally...

Reflectivity, Reflectance and Glare

This is a review and update of an article published in Scope 10 years ago. We then produced two  technical articles about Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance and the relationship between the apparent visual colour of a metal roof and its ability to absorb or not absorb heat.  The way in...

Green Steel

Is there such a thing?  Isn’t steel, in spite of the fact much of our construction and much else relies totally on it, full of carbon and dreadfully unsustainable?  Can it ever be “green” – which today seems to mean “carbon zero” (another catchphrase)?  Isn’t use of steel always going to...

NZMRM And Wind Load Testing: Part 2

In writing this it was not easy to reconstruct the first 8 or 9 years of life of the NZMRM Test Rig. Although the author was involved during most of its life (as an NZMRM Executive member) this involvement increased from “knowing about it” to more recently managing it and hands on “driving”. So...

The Onemana Surf Club

Created offsite, a new modular building has expanded the capabilities for this Coromandel surf club. Using COLORSTEEL Altimate® cladding, the new club offers a crisp aesthetic that will last for years to come.   

Since its formation in 1989, the Onemana Surf Club has operated out of...

Sustainable Water

Back in Issue 25 in 2010 Graham Hepburn reviewed the importance of water and the sustainable process of harvesting drinking water from metal roofs. We republished a revised version of this in 2019. In light of the “Three Waters” reforms we feel this is again relevant, and now look at this topic...

NZMRM And Wind Load Testing

Part 1: Setting the scene.

Wind events and cladding.

The primary purpose of a roof (or wall) is to keep rain and wind out of the building it is over or around. This means it must stay on the building regardless of whatever the weather throws at it...

NZ Metal Roofing Manufacturers, Sustainability, and the NZ Green Building Council Rating Tools

People have been talking about “sustainability” for a long time without really defining what is sustainable other than something that can continue. In 1987, the General Assembly of the United Nations set up the World Commission on Environment and Development, with the objective of proposing long...

Roof Drainage

58% of designers canvassed at a recent webinar had experienced troubles with flooding internal gutters. This is not surprising, because gutters designed in accordance with the Acceptable Solution, E1/AS1, are designed to fail.

Limitations of E1/AS1

At the core of this problem is...

Long run vs fixed length short sheets

Once upon a time, or in fact for most of the history of sheet metal roof and wall cladding, the stuff was not “long-run” at all.  Metal roofing has of course been around for a very long time.  The Romans used copper and lead sheet as roofing materials and copper roofing as shingles or seamed...

Gutter and Downpipe Design

We often hear about internal gutters flooding.  This is not because they are inherently unsafe, it is because, using the Acceptable Solution, they are designed to fail!

On 1st November the updated Code of Practice section on Roof Drainage was released.  This was the most challenging...

Corrosion Test Site Project Update

Once upon a time all metal roofs were made of 10-foot galvanised steel and fixed with lead-headed nails. Then we had longrun metal roofing while over the late 1980s and 1990s we have seen quite significant changes in both substrates and fasteners. This includes the introduction of COLORSTEEL®...

NZMRM working in Standards development.

In previous articles we have discussed the role Standards play in providing a framework for regulation of all sorts of products, systems, safety in many industries, and specifically how it does this for the building industry. Standards NZ have covered the new relationship with MBIE, and its...

Standards and the NZMRM

In the last issue, we had an update from Standards NZ about how the Standards development process works and how building industry Standards relate to the NZ Building Code (NZBC).  In the introduction, it was indicated that we would discuss how Standards (and standards) affect the metal roofing (...

Nailing Patterns for Corrugate

We have revised the requirements for fastener patterns in Corrugate. The current table in E2/AS1 is conservative at one end of the scale, and overstated at the other, and will be reviewed in line with the COP.

Use one pattern over the whole roof


Designing smart with profiled metal roofing.


It is easy when designing a building to leave the roof cladding until last; however, consideration should be made at the outset of design of the Kℓ pressure coefficient factors, which apply to roof cladding and the purlins at the periphery of all buildings.
Some engineers are now...

Proposed NZMRM Systems Guarantee update

Strategic Background

Recent and signalled changes in Law, around Builder liability, Council liability and Risk based consenting, have created a legal environment that is conducive to the development of an extended range of builder guarantees.

On the back of its...

Green Building

NZ Green Building Council updates the Steel Credit in Green Star NZ to something achievable.

If you build upmarket offices, commercial buildings or schools this should mean something to you. If it does read on to discover how we have finally made the steel credit applicable to NZ made...

Metrotile Introduces Vent Tiles For Its Metal Tile


NZMRM has long been promoting the need to ventilate roof spaces under metal roofs, to avoid moisture problems caused when moisture vapour passing from the house into the roof space cannot escape.  Stuart Thomson has discussed this in detail in his recent series of Scope articles.  NZMRM...

Solar Energy Panels And Metal Roofing

NZMRM has been involved in discussions about solar water heating panels before and has contributed to the MBIE G12/AS2 and “Solar Water Heaters - Guidance for suppliers, installers and building consent authorities – December 2009”. We have commented on the issues with these in at least one Scope...

Ventilation Of Attic Spaces

It is said that money makes the world go around, but actually fashion is the driver, not only when talking women’s apparel but talking the building industry as well. A lot of house renovations are started just because it is ‘out of date’ or ’past its use by date’ or simply because it is ‘old-...

Auckland Council Proposal Would Raise The Cost Of Building

The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) contains a regulation preventing the use of uncoated roofing and cladding with an exposed surface or surface coating of “more than 10% zinc or copper”. This proposal would effectively ban the use, going forward, of metal roofing that is not coated. There...

Glare, Reflectivity And Reflectance

In Scope 32, Stuart Thomson wrote a technical article about Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance and the relationship between the apparent visual colour of a metal roof and its ability to absorb or not absorb heat. The way in these factors can be modified by the use of “cool pigments” to...

Code Of Practice On-Line

Code of Practice on-line

As the NZMRM updates its COP and prepares for a new version, a brief review of the past and current documents is presented by Stuart Hayman of the MRM Technical Committee.

The NZMRM Metal Roof and Wall Cladding of Practice is now available...
