2019 – May
The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 May 2019.
Important updates:
The main clause Roof Ventilation was renamed Internal Moisture and completely revised and updated. The revised clause recommends designing and installing roof cladding to allow natural ventilation in residential buildings and requires design to enable ventilation in skillion, sarked, and low-pitched residential roofs.
Summary of other changes in this update
- The main clause Installation was revised and updated for clarity.
- Some clauses from Site Practice were moved to be included in the more relevant clause Installation. Site Practice now contains mainly Safety.
- Some clauses in Testing were renamed and renumbered to fix broken links and reflect content more accurately. A major revision of Testing is underway.
- Other changes are Category 1 updates, which fixed minor errata such as grammar, spelling, and layout.
Revision Detail - 2019 - May
Category | Clause Number (at time of update) | Clause (As of current publication) | Details |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 2.1 | Definitions | Updated Glossary to include the terms: "Square Stopping". |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 3.5.4 | Load Distribution | Minor edit to drawing (Deflection and the Square of Depth ) |
1 - Minor Errata | | Steel Purlins Thinner Than 1 mm | Edited for Consistency – changed 1.1 mm to 1 mm. |
1 - Minor Errata | 4.1 | NZBC Clause B2 (Extract) | Revised for clarity. |
1 - Minor Errata | 4.1.1 | B2 Objective | Reformatting |
1 - Minor Errata | 4.1.2 | B2 Functional Requirements | Reformatting |
1 - Minor Errata | 4.1.3 | Performance Requirements | Reformatting |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 4.11.6 | Capillary Action | Changed minimum cover in Capillary Action End Lap Detail to closer reflect MRM recommendations and renamed the drawing. |
1 - Minor Errata | | Method 2: Gutter and Downpipe Capacity Determined by Calculations | Fixed broken link to Standard Gutter Capacity and Standard Down Pipe Capacity, and rewrote link copy for greater clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 8.9.1 | Flashing Expansion | First line revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10 | Internal Moisture | Clause renamed to Internal Moisture.
Clause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.1 | Minimising Ingress of Water Vapour into the Ceiling Cavity | Clause renamed and revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.1.1 | E3 Objective | New Clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.1.2 | E3 Functional Requirements | New Clause created |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.1.3 | E3 Performance Requirements | New clause created. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.2 | Why Manage Internal Moisture | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.4 | Special Requirements | Clause revised for clarity and relevance. |
0 - Clause Removed | 10.4 | The External Environment | Clause removed, information has been revised and moved to other main clauses. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.5 | Condensation | Clause completely rewritten. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.6 | Building Airtightness | Clause completely rewritten. |
0 - Clause Removed | 10.6.1 | Natural Ventilation | Clause removed. New drawings used in more relevant clauses. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.7 | Insulation | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.7.1 | Insulation Position | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.7.2 | Other Insulation | Newly created clause |
0 - Clause Removed | | Direction of Lay | Clause delted. Information is now discussed in Horizontal laying and Vertical laying. |
0 - Clause Removed | 10.7.5 | Non-Residential Buildings | Clause removed. Information is discussed elsewhere. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.8 | Climate | Clause revised for clarity. |
0 - Clause Removed | 10.8 | Wall Underlay | Clause removed and content discussed i other relevant clauses. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.8.1 | Humidity | Relative humidity (RH, given in per cent [%]), is the most widely known method: It gives the content of water vapour in the air relative to the maximum amount of water this parcel of air can hold at its present temperature.
Other measures are absolute humidity and water vapour pressure. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.9 | Moisture Sources | Renamed and revised clause for clarity. Lead clause for various "Sources of Internal Moisture" |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.9.1 | Occupant Behaviour | Newly created clause, combining new information with some from revised "Managing Water Vapout at the Source" (renamed Sources of Internal Moisture). |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.9.2 | Heating | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.9.4 | Construction Moisture | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.9.5 | Ground Moisture | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.11 | Ventilation Pathways | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.11.1 | Types of Ventilation | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Soffit Vents | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Fascia Vents | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Ridge Vents | Clause renamed and revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Turbine Vents | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.11.2 | Battens | Newly Created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.12 | Underlay | Clause revised and expanded for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.12.1 | Underlay Requirements | Newly created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.12.2 | Types Of Underlay | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.12.3 | Underlay Usage | Clause revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.12.4 | Underlay Durability | Clause revised and expanded. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.12.5 | Installing Underlay | Clause revised and expanded. |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Horizontal Laying | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Vertical Laying | Newly created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Underlay Support | Clause revised. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.13 | Additional Information | Clause renamed to Additional Information. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.13.1 | Cold Roofs | Clause revied for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.13.2 | Warm Roofs | Clause revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.13.3 | Night Sky Radiation | Clause revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 10.13.4 | The Mechanics of Condensation | Clause revised and renamed, it is now: The Mechanics of Condesation. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.13.5 | Underlay Stanards | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.13.6 | Relative Humidity | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.13.7 | Absolute Humidity | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 10.13.8 | Water Vapour Pressure | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 13.2 | Roof Access During Construction | Clause movved to Safety |
0 - Clause Removed | 13.4 | Acceptance Of Materials | class="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id"> |
0 - Clause Removed | 13.4.1 | Presence Of Moisture Between Sheets | Clause combined with Wet Storage Damage |
0 - Clause Removed | 13.4.2 | Colour Match | Clause combined with Colour Matching Paint |
0 - Clause Removed | 13.4.3 | Storage Stain | Clause removed. |
0 - Clause Removed | 13.5 | Roof Loading | Clause combined with Unloading |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14 | Installation | Clause revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.1 | Pre- Installation | Clause revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.1 | Overhang | Clause revised for clarity |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.1 | Metal Roof Defects | Clause removed. See Roof Cladding Damage |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.1.5 | Cutting And Drilling | Clause deleted. Information was spread through other clauses, mainly Swarf Damage |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.2 | Product Selection | Newly Created Clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.2 | Completion | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.2.1 | Measuring | Newly created clause |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.2.1 | Swarf Removal | clause removed, subject is now discussed in Preventing Swarf Damage. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.2.2 | Ordering | Newly created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.2.3 | Transportation | Clause revised for clarity and moved to Installation. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.3 | Accepting Delivery | New created clause, combining Acceptance of Materials, previously in Site Practice. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.3.1 | Unloading | Newly created clause |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.3.1 | Primary Fasteners | Clause removed. Information is now discussed in various shorter and newly created clauses. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.3.2 | Wet Storage Damage | Newly created clause |
0 | 14.4 | Secondary Fasteners | class="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id"> |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.4.2 | Monel Rivets | clause removed, information is now discussed in other clauses. |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.4.3 | Aluminium Rivets | Clause removed, information now in Rivets |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.4.4 | Stainless Steel Rivets | Clause deleted. See Rivets |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.4.6 | Fastener Frequency | Clause removed. See Fastener Spacing |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.5 | Handling | Clause revised for clarity and moved to Installation. |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.5.2 | Pan Fixing | Clause Removed. See Screws |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.5.3 | Expansion Fixings | Clause removed. See Fastener Allowance for Expansion |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.5.4 | Lap Stitching | Clause removed. Information absorbed in other clauses. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.6 | Walking On Roofs | Clause revised for clarity and moved to Installation. |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.6 | Installation | Empty heading removed. See Driving. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.6.1 | Footwear | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.7 | Strippable Films | Clause revied for clarity. |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.7 | Re-Roofing | Clause removed. Information absorbed in other clauses. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.7.1 | Storing Product with Strippable Film | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.8 | Setting Out | Clause revised for clarity. |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.8.2 | Side Lap Fixing Between Purlins | Clause removed. |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.8.6 | Purlin Protection | clause removed |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.8.7 | Drainage | Clause removed |
0 - Clause Removed | 14.8.8 | Condensation | Clause removed. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.9 | Marking and Cutting | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.11 | Sealing and Joining | Clause revised for clarity |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.11.1 | Sealing End Laps | Newly created clause |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.12 | Fasteners | Clause revised for clarity. |
0 | 14.12.1 | Nails | class="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id"> |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.12.2 | Screws | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.12.3 | Clip Fasteners | Newly created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.12.4 | Rivets | Clause revised for clarity |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.13 | Fastener Installation | Clause renamed and revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.13.1 | Fastener Spacing | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.13.2 | Fastener Placement | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.13.3 | Fastener Seating | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.13.4 | Fastener Allowance for Expansion | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.14 | Modes Of Fastener Failure | Clause revised for clarity |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.15 | Stopends | Clause revised for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.16 | Turn-Downs (Drip Forming or Drip Edging) | Clause revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.17 | Soft edging and Flashing | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18 | Pre-Empting Problems | Newly created clause heading |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.18.1 | Roof Cladding Damage | Clause revised for clarity and moved to Installation |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18.2 | Water Ponding | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18.3 | Correctly Installed Gutters | Newly created clause |
0 | 14.18.4 | Swarf | class="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id"> |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Identifying Swarf Stains | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Preventing Swarf Damage | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Swarf Effect on Performance | Newly created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | | Repairing Swarf Damage | Clause revised for clarity and renamed. |
4 - Clause Inserted | | Severe or Extensive Swarf Staining | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18.5 | Colour Matching Paint | Newly created clause |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18.6 | Field Painting | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18.7 | Sunscreen | Newly created clause. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.18.8 | Removing Lichen | Newly created clause. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 14.21 | Tools Of The Trade | Claused revised for clarity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.21.1 | Spacing | Clause removed. See Fastener Spacing |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.22.1 | Crest Fixing | Clause removed. See Screws |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.23 | Tools | Clause removed. See Screws |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.24 | Translucent Sheeting | Clause removed. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.24.1 | Side-Lap Fixing | Clause removed. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.24.2 | End Laps | Clause deleted. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.24.3 | Midspan Supports | Clause removed |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.24.4 | Stopends | Clause removed. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 14.24.5 | Pitch | Clause removed. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 17 | Testing | Edited for clarity. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 17.1 | Scope | Clause revised for clarity |
1 - Minor Errata | 17.1.2 | Resistance to point load | Fixed typos – "serviceability" and "strength". |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 17.2 | Background to Scope | Heading changed from "Commentary on 16.1" and clause revised for clarity and brevity. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 17.4 | Commentary On 16.3 | Clause removed |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 17.5 | Determining Wind load Span Graphs | Minor grammatical edits and clause renamed to "Determining Wind Load Span Graphs" to avoid confusion with Wind Load Span Graphs. |
1 - Minor Errata | 17.6 | Specific Methods Of Testing Sheet Roof And Wall Cladding | Clause moved (renumbered) to follow Wind and Point Load Testing. |
4 - Clause Inserted | 17.7.1 | Commentary On Section 15.5 | Clause Removed. Testing to undergo major revision. |
2 - Editing and rearrangement | 17.9 | Background to wind load testing | Renamed "Clause from Commentary on 16.6". |
(optional caption)
Clause Number:
Revision Category:
4 - Clause Inserted
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