
2020 – June

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 June 2020.

New clauses:

The rest of this update consists of minor improvements, such as tidying up drawings and edits for clarity and grammar.

Revision Detail - 2020 - June

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement1Introduction Update Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.4Fastener Patterns Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5Steel Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs Clause renamed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5.1Corrugated Steel – 0.40 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5.3Corrugated Steel – 0.55 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5.2Trapezoidal Five Rib Steel – 0.40 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5.4Trapezoidal Five Rib Steel – 0.55 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5.5Trapezoidal Six Rib Steel – 0.40 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.16.5.6Trapezoidal Six Rib Steel – 0.55 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
4 - Clause Inserted Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Corrugated Aluminium – 0.70 New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
4 - Clause Inserted Corrugated Aluminium – 0.90 New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
4 - Clause Inserted Trapezoidal Five Rib Aluminium – 0.70 New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
4 - Clause Inserted Trapezoidal Five Rib Aluminium – 0.90 New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5.6.3Rainfall Intensity Clause had been completely revised, with updated Rainfall Intensity Maps at the end of the main Clause, Roof Drainage. 
1 - Minor Errata5.6.3.1Duration Replaced comparison chart with a simplified one.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.3Flashing Cover Added minimum flashing cover values for change of pitch junctions.
4 - Clause Inserted Testing and MRM Standards New clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement17Metal Cladding Testing Clause renamed.
1 - Minor Errata17.5.1Allowance for Variation Fixed "overall" to "over all"
4 - Clause Inserted MRM Fastener Performance Requirements and Testing New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Requirements for Fastener Testing New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Test Panel Requirements New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Test Location New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Site Orientation New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Preparation of Test Panel New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Fastener Performance Testing New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Site Testing New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Field Performance Validation New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Accelerated Testing New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Fastener Shanks New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Sealing Washer Conductivity New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Appearance New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Weatherproofing New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Fastener Performance Test Report New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted MRM Soft Edge Standard New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Soft Edge Product Techincal Statement Requirements New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 2020 – June New clause. Revision detail.
0 - Clause Removed5.5GuttersThe clause had been removed. Gutters are now discussed in more detail in a separate clause for each type, under the main clause Types of Gutter.
(optional caption)
Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
4 - Clause Inserted
Revision Detail: 

New clause. Revision detail.