
v24.12 December 2024

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 December 2024.

Substantial change to recommendations:

  • Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs
    Only 0.90 mm Aluminium is now offered as a standard thickness.
  • Deflection
    Added the statement: "Temporary deflection under load is not considered for roof load tables as it has not been found to affect weathertightness. Temporary deflection under load of wall cladding is a recommended limitation for aesthetic reasons, but it is not mandatory."
  • Maximum Spans and Fastening Pattern for Corrugate Wall Cladding
    Changed "span/120 + P/20" to "span/120 + P/30"
  • Overflows
    Changed the recommended cross-sectional area of a scupper to align with the BRANZ recommendation.
  • Internal Gutter Design Features
    Added a recommendation to align with Overflows, for the cross-sectional area of a scupper to be 1½ times that of the downpipe.
  • Asymmetrical Valleys
    Changed recommendation to: "A valley baffle is required in all cases where the valley has a change of angle or difference in roof pitch exceeds 10°."

Notable Editing and rearrangement:

The rest of the updates consisted of minor corrections and edits.

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CategoryClause Number (prior to update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement1Introduction New revision message for V24.12, published on 1 December.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.7.2Deflection Added a statement:
Temporary deflection under load is not considered for roof load tables as it has not been found to affect weathertightness. Temporary deflection under load of wall cladding is a recommended limitation for aesthetic reasons, but it is not mandatory.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.10.2Maximum Spans and Fastening Pattern for Corrugate Wall Cladding Changed "span/120 + P/20" to "span/120 + P/30".
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5.4.5.1Internal Gutter Design Features Added a recommendation to align with Overflows, for the cross-sectional area of a scupper to be 1½ times that of the downpipe.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.5.1Valley Fixing Rearranged layout. Clarified statement about positive (through) fixing. Replaced the old illustration for Clip System with Correct Valley Fixing, Allowing for Thermal Movement.
Added illustrations for Valley Junction at the Apex.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5.5.6Asymmetrical Valleys Changed recommendation: A valley baffle is required in all cases where a valley has a change of angle or difference in roof  pitch exceeds 10 .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5.6.3Overflows Changed the recommended cross-sectional area of a scupper to align with BRANZ recommendation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9.4.2.6Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal Profiles Updated the illustration to show the apron of the cricket covering the penetration apron.
1 - Minor Errata10.1Ventilation Pathways Typo fix: changed through to trough. No changes to recommendations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.12.5Underlay Standards Moved clause to 10.11 Underlay for relevance. Fixed table formatting. No changes to recommendations.
4 - Clause Inserted v24.12 December 2024 Revision details for v24.12; published on 1 December 2024.
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Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
4 - Clause Inserted
Revision Detail: 

Revision details for v24.12; published on 1 December 2024.