

An Expression Of Technology In The New Millennium.

George Paterson, of Dodd Paterson+Bukowski Rehm Limited, was instrumental in bringing together the founding members who now form the Millennium Institute of Sport and Health. The excellent result, which brings many benefits to the community, was a balance between realising the committee’s dreams...

An Identity Which Reflects The Beauty Of The West Coast

From the Haast Visitors Centre to a sun drenched family retreat Gary Hopkinson’s work demonstrates an individual flare which neither imitates nor compromises but reflects the identity of the West Coast environment.

Although Gary Hopkinson’s work experience has taken him to...

Building A Reputation For Creative Flair

Judd Fenwick Team Architecture have an impressive list of completed buildings that reflect the broad spectrum of experience and expertise the practice has available. The building types vary from the smallest of alterations, to very large industrial, commercial and health-care buildings.

Building Dreams

The design of our dream home is usually the result of years of saving, planning and collating design ideas. With few exceptions we all work within a budget and once a design meets our criteria we take the plunge. We build. What was a carefully rendered design is about to become a reality and...

Country Style. Getting It Right.

Kim Bouman was approached by clients to design a home with an
indoor-outdoor focus to accommodate their active lifestyle plus the extended family and guests.
The result is superb.

Architectural Designer Kim Bouman has over the past seventeen years built a solid reputation...

David Reid Homes. Aspirational

In 1993 having become frustrated by bureaucracy, and a resistance to meet the demands of both the marketplace and home buyers, David Reid stepped out to follow his vision.

"To create a National home building franchise company which would target the aspirations and needs of home buyers...

Gerard Recognise The Contribution Made By Architects, Designers And Builders

Often exceptionally well designed homes are never visible and as a result those involved seldom get acknowledgement for their work.

Architects, designers, builders and manufacturers all rely on one basic marketing reality - “If you don’t keep consumers informed about what you do,...

Huka Lodge. The Best Of The Best.

The number one Australiasian destination for Royalty, celebrities and political figures has just completed their multi-million dollar refurbishment programme designed by Queenstown architect Fred van Brandenburg.

Fred van Brandenburg, has skillfully worked with clever window...


A brand which has become a household name in New Zealand   reflecting quality of design, unique interlocking natural timber and fine craftsmanship.

The Lockwood inter-locking building system was invented over 50 years ago by Jo La Grouw Snr. The unique interlocking device, which...

Looking Good, Long Lasting Performers

The HortResearch building Havelock North was designed and specified by Paris Magdalinos Architects Ltd, Napier.

Telephone 06 835 6173.

Paris Magdalinos also designed the award winning three storey technology block at Napier Girls High School using similar product...

Making A Difference To The Community

Armstrong Summers Architects Ltd brings together many years experience and skill gleaned from the private and local government sectors. The collective talents of Jeff Armstrong and Neil Summers provides clients with a complementary but diverse design resource. Their experience and common...

Making A Difficult Site A Benefit.

Architectural Designer, Michael Manning, took the step many of us dream of and left the seemingly secure world of corporate design and employment to opt for a more relaxed lifestyle on Whangaparaoa Peninsular north of Auckland. Eight years on and Michael has seen the Peninsular grow from a...

Making The Building The Classroom

Paris Magdalinos received the annual Award for Architecture, from the New Zealand Institute of Architecture as well as a Resene Colour Award, for his work on the Napier Girls High School. His passion has created a superb learning facility.

Napier Girls High School - New technology...

Mcdonald'S New Head Office

Project Architect Kevin Sanderson says the building was designed to have a contemporary appearance reflecting the company’s open and friendly image.

ASC project architect Kevin Sanderson says,”The new Head Office for McDonald's is the result of several years planning, making use of a...

Montana Country

Montana, the country’s largest wine company, has not only captured 50% of the New Zealand domestic wine market but also the imagination with the majestic Montana Brancott Winery Visitors Centre near Blenheim.

Gerry Gregg, winery manager says, “the centre provides a great wine...

Simplicity And Elegance

Darren Jessop has established a reputation for innovative, distinct style and restrained elegance of design that is clean, distinctive and functional. Within the practice emphasis is placed on “hands on” involvement and personal client contact to ensure that they provide a successful end result...

Something Old Something New

Graeme North Eco Architecture

Sustainability is not a new concept. Using resources so that the needs of future generations are protected is historically embodied in at least some parts of many cultures. The global environmental consciousness that we now have is...

Te Whetu Tawera

The new Auckland City Mental Health Unit aptly named Te Whetu Tawera, was an ambitious project that looked to showcase innovative design as well as providing an environment of safety, security and comfort. The stunning outcome achieved and exceeded the expectations of all involved.



Architect Carolyn Smith.

When home owners Michelle and Rob decided to create a new home for their growing family and 4 resident cats they shared a dream to be close to nature, have space, peace and quiet. Not least to build an environment which would afford them the...

The 2003 Gerard Roof Home Design Award Goes South.

“The response to our awards program continues to grow with over one hundred entries in the 2003 competition”, says Gerard marketing manager Gary McNamara.
“Gerard congratulates the winners and all entries which demonstrate the excellence and high standards of home design with the...

The Longest Longrun Roof Ever

The brief given to Woodams Meikle  Zhan Architects for Progressive Enterprises’ extension to their distribution facility in Auckland was tight. They required the 22000m2 extension to be designed in such a way to allow the existing 24 hour, 7 day facility to remain fully operational. On top of...

The Supreme Winner Of The Gerard Roofing System Design Awards

2001 saw the introduction of the Harvey Roofing System Design Awards. With the combining of the Harvey and Gerard brands the awards are now offered under the Gerard banner. The award winner continues to be selected by majority votes from all sectors of the building industry and interested...

The Vision

In 1997, the New Zealand Rugby Football Union conceived the idea of establishing a permanent home for the development of rugby. After successfully bidding against several other tertiary educational institutes, Massey University won the right to provide a facility which would fulfil this role at...

Touch The Earth Lightly


Built in a powerful 70 acre bush landscape on two levels the building has been skillfully integrated to minimise site disturbance. Influenced by Glen Murcutt’s “Touch the earth...


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