Building Dreams
The design of our dream home is usually the result of years of saving, planning and collating design ideas. With few exceptions we all work within a budget and once a design meets our criteria we take the plunge. We build. What was a carefully rendered design is about to become a reality and together with the architect we put our faith......not to mention our life’s savings into the hands of a builder.
Today’s builders are not the generally held perception of a man with a hammer who happens to know how to follow a plan. To survive he has had to become a very astute businessman who understands not only the huge variety of building products available in the NZ market, but the qualities and durability of each. He is the adviser and confidant, the negotiator, he understands the law, he is the supervisor, the technician, the quantity surveyor, the construction contractor and even the councillor. Above all he has to be accountable, not only to the client he has today but any unknown owner who may purchase the property tomorrow.
It is in this environment of accountability that builders such as Mark Duffy excel.
Mark began in the industry in 1984, based in Wanaka. After a 3 year OE stint in the early 90s’ he returned and has remained in the district building houses and a reputation for fine craftsmanship and project management.
In recent years Mark Duffy Builders have been working primarily on architecturally designed homes in the upper end of the residential market. Mark is currently working on several homes designed by Mason and Wales architects.
When asked his formula for maintaining his reputation and standards Mark is very clear. “I work with subcontractors I know. I trust their workmanship, their pricing, their reliability and their loyalty.
The same applies to suppliers. It is not entirely about price, it is about quality and service. This is particularly relevant because of our location and the distance from the manufacturers.”
In 2003 Mark won the Gerard Home Design Award for his contribution to the home designed by Mason and Wales for Richard and Susan Ewing. The home featured a Gerard CoronaShake Textured roof. Mark says, “Many of the homes being designed in the area are of an alpine nature which, together with the lightweight features of metal roofing, suit the tiled appearance.”
Pictured are three examples of homes recently completed by Mark Duffy Builders.