
Revision History

Policy for Updates to NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice.

All revisions to clauses of the COP after June 2018 are recorded at, including a brief explanation of the change.

See sub-clauses for detail of revisions at particular dates.

Revisions are split into 3 categories for simple assessment by users:

Revision Categories




Category 1 - Minor Errata

Correction to spelling, grammar or formatting that have no bearing on on the substance of the clause.

Recorded on website only - not individually included in emailed update

Category 2 - Editing and rearrangement

A clause or section of clauses has been rewritten to some extent for better articulation of the existing recommendation.

Existing citations of the COP in project documentation may be less clear as a result, but recommendations are not altered.

Recorded on website, and will be cited in emailed update as either specific or summary information as appropriate.

Category 3 - Substantial change to recommendation

A substantial change in a specific recommendation of the COP has taken place.

A review of existing project documentation against the new clause is considered essential.

Recorded on website, and explained with detail in emailed update

(optional caption)
Clause Number: 
Draft Clause: 