
2021 – September

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 September 2021.

Summary of Changes in this update:

The rest of this update consisted of fixing minor errors.

Revision Detail - 2021 - September

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement Introduction Update Revisions Message
4 - Clause Inserted G550 Steel Cladding Fastening Pattern Tables New clause aimed at easy reference of fastening patterns.
4 - Clause Inserted Aluminium Fastening Pattern Tables New clause for easy referencing of fastening patterns for aluminium cladding.
1 - Minor Errata Roof Traffic Changed "tradesman" to trades people for gender neutrality.
1 - Minor Errata Uniformly Distributed Load (Wind or Induced Action) Corrected spelling of "Uniformly. Included a full term before the abbreviation for UDL in the first sentence.
2 - Editing and rearrangement Internal Corners Clause moved from Valleys to Gutters.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation Gutter Capacity Calculator The minimum Freeboard on internal gutter calculations has been changed to 30mm to align with E1/AS1 and E1/AS2.
1 - Minor Errata Valley Design Inserted cross-reference link to Internal Corners.
4 - Clause Inserted Intersecting Valleys New clause showing the correct way to intersect valleys.
2 - Editing and rearrangement Downpipe Spreaders Replaced Downpipe Spreader Design-drawing with a more detailed one.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation Penetrations Minimum Pitch Revised first sentence to make allowance for modern profiles and proprietary profiles.
4 - Clause Inserted Double Lapping New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 2021 – September New Revision clause
(optional caption)
Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
4 - Clause Inserted
Revision Detail: 

New Revision clause