Pioneer Hut

Pioneer Hut is one of the busiest alpine huts in New Zealand and sits high on a rocky cliff above the Fox Glacier. The hut provides are numerous opportunities for skilled alpinists, from ski mountaineering, to ascents of the mighty Mount Tasman, New Zealand’s second highest peak.
As a roofer Clinton Ainger is used to ropes and harnesses but having to wear crampons on his boots for a job took things to another level.
The crampons came into play when he landed by helicopter for a re-roof job at Pioneer Hut, which sits on the edge of a rocky cliff above the Fox Glacier.
“You had to put crampons on as soon as you got there to be able to get up to the hut,” says Clinton. “But luckily they managed to build an ice shelf beside the hut so the helicopter could drop the roofing material off there.”
Max Dorfliger, of New Zealand Alpine Club, which owns the hut, oversaw the reroofing job which was funded by a Department of Conservation grant.
He said the original flat iron roofing on the gable-roofed hut built in the 1990s had been laid straight on to the plywood ceiling meaning there was no ventilation so moisture was trapped in the hut, causing condensation to run down the walls.
“I was looking after safety making sure there were anchors on the roof and everyone was clipped on and had a harness,” Max says. “A mate of mine did the scaffolding along the back.” ”
Over Anzac weekend, Clinton’s team installed purlins over the flat iron then installed Covertek 407 underlay before putting on a new roof of corrugated curved G300 in Pioneer Red. This created a cavity to reduce condensation. They also installed barges and a wide 200mm ridge to suit.
Clinton says it was a straightforward job despite the fact there was an 80m drop-off on one side of the hut.
“The job itself took about a day and a half but we were delayed a little bit by bad weather that meant the roofing materials couldn’t be helicoptered in.”
Max says Pioneer Hut is popular as a staging point for climbers ascending Mount Tasman, New Zealand’s second highest peak, or people taking part in ski tours.
The hut has basic facilities – bunks with mattresses, a water tank (providing the water isn’t frozen) and an outdoor toilet.