
AS/AZS 1170.2:2011

Designers should be familiar with the current Loadings Code, including amendments. Manufacturers' printed technical literature should comply with the current requirements of ASA/NZS 1170.

The Loadings Code identifies four load categories relevant to metal roof and wall cladding.

  • Wind actions:
  • Wind imposed inwards forces (pressure) where the wind is slowed, and outward pressures (suction) where the wind accelerates. The shape of the structure induces local pressure factors where pressure is concentrated. Internal pressures may also be generated within a building.
  • Permanent action:
    Dead load is the permanent weight of the roof structure and the permanent part of an imposed load, such as an air conditioning unit.
  • Imposed action:
    Live loads are variable loads imposed on the building by its occupants and contents, such as a person standing on the roof (point load).
  • Induced actions:
    Loads such as wind, snow or ice, and ponding rainwater.

When a structure, or part of it, fails to fulfil its expected basic functions, it is said to have reached a limit state; the two limit states are Serviceability Failure and Ultimate Failure. (see Modes of Failure.)

Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
1 - Minor Errata
Revision Detail: 

Minor revision for style, grammar and clarity. No changes to recommendations.

Draft Clause: 