Auckland Motorway:

The development and upgrade of the Grafton Gully Interchange and Newmarket Flyover, in 2003, was an extensive project undertaken by Fletcher Construction .
The central theme of the concrete block work was the harbour view of Rangitoto Island. Metalcraft Roofing along with Taranaki Engineering were involved in the construction and installation of motorway screens to the Newmarket off ramp.
The project specified Corrugate 0.90 ARX, using three different colours, French Grey, Transformer Grey and Gull Grey. The 5 meter sheets of Corrugate profile were used to fit the motorway curve both horizontally and vertically.
ARX was chosen because of its durability and the PVF2 paint system used to coat the aluminium. All cutting was carried out at Metalcraft Roofing in East Tamaki, with the finished sheets transferred to site on a nightly basis. The requirement for no off cuts or sheet tailings on site was essential.
Due to the nature of the project and the requirement for the motorway to be open during installation work was undertaken at night. The weather was a major factor, with not only clear skies but also low wind required given the location of the installation and the potential for catastrophe should something go wrong.
The finished product is a unique application of Corrugate profile roofing resulting in a truly unique feature wall to the Auckland Motorway system.