Conversion Factors
Measurement Conversions
To convert from this | into this To convert this back | multiply by this divide by this |
atmosphere | millibar | 1013.25 |
atmosphere | pascal | 101.325 |
cubic foot | cubic metre | 0.028317 |
cubic inch | cubic millimetre | 16387.1 |
cubic yard | cubic metre | 0.764555 |
foot | metre | 0.3048 |
foot per minute | metre per minute | 0.3048 |
foot per minute | metre per second | 0.00508 |
foot per second | metre per second | 0.3048 |
foot pound force per second | watt | 1.35582 |
gallon (Imp) | litre | 4.54609 |
gallon (US) | litre | 3.78541 |
inch | metre | 0.0254 |
inch | millimetre | 25.4 |
inch mercury | kilopascal | 3.38638 |
inch water gauge | kilopascal | 0.248642 |
kilogram | kN | 102 |
kilometre per hour | knot | 0.539 |
knot | kilometre per hour | 1.852 |
knot | nautical mile/h | 1 |
knot | ft/h | 6080 |
knot | metre per second | 0.515 |
metre Head of water | kPa | 9.8 |
mile | kilometre | 1.609344 |
mile per hour | kilometre per hour | 1.609344 |
millimetre mercury | kilopascal | 0.133322 |
millimetre water gauge | pascal | 9.78904 |
MPa | kip | 6.895 |
ounce | gram | 28.3495 |
ounce per square foot | gram per square metre | 305.152 |
ounce per square yard | gram per square metre | 33.9057 |
pound | kilogram | 0.45359237 |
pound force | newton | 4.44822 |
pound force foot | newton.metre | 1.35582 |
pound force inch | newton.metre | 0.112985 |
pound force per square foot | kilopascal | 0.0479 |
pound force per square inch | bar | 0.69 |
pound force per square inch | pascal | 6894.76 |
pound force per square inch | kilopascal | 6.89476 |
pound force per square inch | megapascal | 0.006895 |
pound per cubic foot | kilogram per cubic metre | 16.0185 |
pound per foot | kilogram per metre | 1.48816 |
pound per square foot | kilogram per square metre | 4.882 |
square foot | square metre | 0.092903 |
square foot per ton | square metre per tonne | 0.091436 |
square inch | square millimetre | 645.16 |
square mile | square kilometre | 2.59 |
square yard | square metre | 0.836127 |
Steel thickness in mm | Weight of steel kgs/m² | 7.85 |
ton | tonne | 1.01605 |
ton force foot | kilonewton metre | 3.03703 |
ton force per square inch | megapascal | 15.4443 |
ton per cubic yard | tonne per cubic metre | 1.32894 |
ton, freight (40 ft³) | cubic metre | 1.13267 |
yard | kilometre | 0.000914 |
(optional caption)
Water 0 ̊ – 100 ̊ increases in volume by 4.4%
1 litre = 1 kg = 0.001 m3
1 m3 = 1000 litres
Weight of steel kgs/m2 = thickness in mm x 7.85
1 kN = 102 kg
1 kip = 6.895 MPa
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