
2019 – February

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), is effective 1 February 2019.

In this update, no recommendations have been altered that would require changes to existing projects in progress.

Summary of Changes in this Update


(item needs a title)

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.12.1Screw FastenersClauses dealing with fixing to specific purlin types re-ordered for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata3.13.1Corrugate ProfileMinor grammatical editing for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata3.14.3Maximum Spans for Corrugate Wall CladdingHeading says 0.40 mm but Table is .40 and .55.  So remove .40 from heading
1 - Minor Errata4.6.1Assessment of Marine EnvironmentsRemoved full stop from the heading.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.8.1LichenResized photo (Lichen on a Metal Roof) and inserted photo (Permanent Damage from Lichen Growth).
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.15Swarf Staining and Cut Edge CorrosionRenamed clause. Resized photos and inserted new photo ( Cut Edge Corrosion )
1 - Minor Errata4.17.3Aluminiumfixed spelling of "quaters" to quarters
1 - Minor Errata4.18.1.3Top Coat and Backer0
1 - Minor Errata5.3.1Catchment AreaRemoved (Optional Caption) from Wind-effect on Rain
1 - Minor Errata6.1.1E2 ObjectiveSet format as Block Quote
1 - Minor Errata6.1.2E2 Functional RequirementFormat as block Quote.
1 - Minor Errata6.3Related TopicsChanged link "Internal Moisture" to "Roof Ventilation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9.5.6Sheetmetal Flashing DrawingsRevised and renamed clause.
1 - Minor Errata14.5.1Crest FixingCorrected minimum embedment into soft wood from 35mm to 30mm aligning with E2/AS1 and other reference in Timber Purlins
(optional caption)
Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
4 - Clause Inserted
Revision Detail: 

Summary of Changes – February 2019